Am I a psychopath? Am I ?
Am I a killer ? Am I?
They all think about these naughty stuffs about me.
Yeah they
The civilians.
The poor souls .
Those always blame others for their very own mistakes.
Those good for nothing bastards.
Or shall I refer them as retards mentally retards.
LoL .
Laughing out Loud that's the meaning of LoL.
But these young retards don't even know the meaning of it.
Retards . shame
Shameless generation.
Principle less generation.
Goal less generation .
What to do with them?
How to teach them values?
There is no need to teach them.
Then what leave them like this???
Let us say .
They should learn themselves.
Learn what?
Values. Not only value how to nourish the blessing of life.
But only the one who will survive will learn to nourish the blessing of life.